Friday, September 17, 2010

How to Copy Video Games

How to Copy Video Games 


Game Copy Software

Anyone who plays video games know that they can add up to a great deal of money as a collection grows over time. Considering that the average Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360 game costs around $50 apiece, it is easy to see how one can part with a lot of cash in growing their game collection. After spending all of that money, it’s understandable why a person would want to protect their investment. Beyond keeping games in a safe place and cleaning them periodically with a special solution, though, what else can be done – and are those methods that valuable in keeping expensive games safe?

Like important files on a personal computer, it would make sense to make backup copies of the video games that one spends so much of their hard earned cash on. However, video game manufacturers have an understandable reluctance to allowing their games to be copied. This is largely due to the very real risk of consumers making illegal copies of their video games and handing them out to friends, family and coworkers. Due to this risk, video game manufacturers have designed their games to be tricky to copy; even if they can be copied, their likelihood of actually working is slim.

Not surprisingly, a solution has been developed in recent years: game copy software. Available at many websites on the Internet, this software allows a person to make backup copies of their favorite video games, offering them insurance against damage or other problems. Users still need to beware when using such software, though; not all of them are made alike, and choosing the wrong game copy software can seriously damage your gaming console.

How Game Copy Software Works

To use most kinds of game copy software, all you really need is a computer with a CD burner or DVD burner. This isn’t because the copying software comes on a disc, though; it is so you can burn – or “rip” – backup copies of the games that you want. As long as your PC has this feature, you should be able to find a solution that works for you.

Even someone who has minimal knowledge regarding the way video games are produced and how they work surely wonders how simply burning a game onto a PC can produce a functional copy. This is where game copy software does its real work; special hacking tools embedded within the software can break through a game’s supposedly “unbeatable” copy protection, producing a fully functional – and usable – copy of a video game for you to use as a backup.

In some cases, game copy software might require you to install a modification chip on your video game console in order to play copied versions of your games. You are best off looking for software that does not have this requirement; this is where people who are not so tech savvy run into trouble, often damaging their game consoles irreparably. There are software programs out there that do not require this modification; choose one of those instead.

Is Copying A Video Game Practical?

For the simple standpoint of protecting your investment, making copies of your video games is a sound idea. Besides owning copies for backup purposes, these copies can be kept handy for occasions when you are going to another person’s house to play video games. Rather than risk taking an original, expensive copy with you – where it might get lost or even stolen – bringing a copied version of the game is a lot less risky.

Many people are understandably worried about the legalities of using game copy software. From a legal standpoint, it is okay to make backup copies of video games – as long as you own original copies of them. Therefore, if you are making backup copies of games that you already legitimately own, you are in the clear legally. Also, any copied version that you create must be intended solely for your own personal use; selling or giving away copies of video games that you own is strictly illegal.

Finally, make sure that you check out reviews of the various game copy websites before using their software. It is easy to find out the kinds of experiences other people have had with different websites. Putting in a bit of research about this will help you choose game copy software that will really work – and that will not jeopardize your game console or the original copies of your games.

Whether you prefer to use a PSP, Nintendo Wii, PS3, XBox 360 or a personal computer for your gaming entertainment, you should seriously consider protecting your investment by creating backup copies of the games you’ve purchased. Doing so will help you avoid the irritating problem of buying the same game again and again. You’ll save money in the long run, and can use the money that you save to buy new video games!

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